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Delphi编写Windows Product Key算法

时间:2011/9/3 15:32:37 点击:

  核心提示:代码单元已经打包,部分函数:function IS_WinVerMin2K: Boolean; // Check OS for Win 2000 or higherfunction View_Win_...


function IS_WinVerMin2K: Boolean; // Check OS for Win 2000 or higher
function View_Win_Key: string; // View the Windows Product Key
function IS_OXP_Installed: Boolean;  // Check if Office XP is installed
function View_OXP_Key: string;  // View the Office XP Product Key
function IS_O2K3_Installed: Boolean; // Check if Office 2003 is installed
function View_O2K3_Key: string; // View the Office 2003 Product Key
function DecodeProductKey(const HexSrc: array of Byte): string;


Tags:编写 算法 
作者:网络 来源:转载
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