- IdTcpClient的WriteBuffer如何发送大于255字符? 2011-09-03 点击:2342 评论:0
- Indy10 控件IdFTP 快速上手指南 2011-09-03 点击:3178 评论:0
- Delphi获取IP138的数据查询 2011-09-03 点击:1946 评论:0
- Indy9 Demos 打包下载 2011-09-03 点击:1692 评论:0
- 用Indy创建收发电子邮件的例子 2011-09-03 点击:1452 评论:0
- Indy:Connection Closed Gracefully 2011-09-03 点击:2791 评论:1
- Indy10_SMTPServer例程下载 2011-09-03 点击:1024 评论:0
- Indy10_POP3Server例程下载 2011-09-03 点击:890 评论:0
- Indy10_IdPOP3/IdSMTP/IdMessage例程下载 2011-09-03 点击:1307 评论:0
- Indy_10_IMAP4Client例程下载 2011-09-03 点击:692 评论:0
TypeSendData=packed record Command:string[5]; Content:string[255]; //不用数组服务器读不到,加上又不能完全发送,...
连接FTP服务器IdFTP.Username := 'UserName';IdFTP.Password := 'Passw';IdFTP.Host := 'danielworld....
查询结果自己解析:procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);var SL:TStringList;begin SL:=TStri...
Indy9 Demos 打包下载 迅雷专用高速下载 ...
1、创建工程,在窗体中加入IdSMTP1、IdMessage1和IdPOP31(Indy控件标签组)控件各一个。 2、设置IdSMTP1.Host := 'SMTP.163.com...
Many Indy users are annoyed by the EIdConnClosedGracefully exception that is raised with I...
Indy10_SMTPServer例程下载 迅雷专用高速下载 ...
Indy10_POP3Server例程下载 迅雷专用高速下载 ...
Indy10_IdPOP3/IdSMTP/IdMessage例程下载 迅雷专用高速下载 ...
Indy_10_IMAP4Client例程下载 迅雷专用高速下载 ...